
I was watching a TV programme the other night that involved a group of volunteers undertaking extreme physical and mental challenges. In one challenge, the volunteer jumped into an ice hole, straight into what must have been absolutely freezing cold water!  The cold took their very breath away and as they gasped for air, the instructor told them, calm down, breathe and look at me.  Look at me!  In stopping and focussing on the guide, you could see the participants physically calm and begin to relax, they were still in the freezing cold water but were able to be calm and still.
How many times do we listen to God when He tells us to be calm, be still and focus on Him?  When we lose our breath and start to panic, do we listen, are we calm and focussed on God or do we flounder about trying to fix everything and rescue ourselves?
Stopping, waiting and looking to God by reading our Bibles and spending time in prayer is vital, we are so privileged to be able to spend time with our almighty God and in doing so we learn more about God, who He is and can hear more clearly when he tells us to stop, listen and look to Him.  He is the constant who is with us both in the storms and moments of joy.  So when you feel like you have been plunged into icy water and can’t get your breath; remember to look to Him, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and know you are not alone.
Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9 NIV

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